Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Life in Killarney Part 1

On Monday we had two options of how to spend the day; either we could remain in the town of Killarney exploring the shops and the local National Park, or we could travel on the bus to see the Ring of Kerry, a stunning and popular tourist trail in south-western Ireland. Here is a bit about the first experience, with information on the second to come . . .

The town of Killarney was a pleasant place with lots of great food, shops and lovely people milling about all helping to create a lively atmosphere. Within the main part of town is both St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Mary's Church, the latter of which we were to sing at that night, and many of us took the time to visit both. The church was a lovely space, but the Cathedral was an amazing feat of architecture in beauty and scale.

Just at the edge of town was in my opinion the best part of the town to spend your time in, the Killarney National Park. Within the borders of this large piece of land one could find amazing views, waterfalls, a lake, islands, old estates and more. On this particular day, many of those who stayed in town took the short hike to a ruin called Ross Castle. It sits right by the lake, and while very little of the full original complex remains, it is still fascinating and impressive to see. Over the years, the castle has seen many changes as its ownership has changed hands. While it originally functioned as a castle, it later had a more "contemporary" home built on the grounds and then became barracks for the military. It is now being restored to its original historical structure.

The rest of the day consisted of a scrumptious dinner and then a wonderful concert! Most of the choir members had taken every opportunity they could throughout the day recruiting people we met wherever we were.

Prayer Request: Pray that we maintain our health for the last set of concerts.


  1. Thanks so much for the descriptive updates. Wonderful to hear all that you are taking in. We're praying for you all daily!

    Love, The Geoghans

  2. jesse- thank you for the updates. it is great to hear first-hand what the team is doing and learning in ireland. praying for safety and good health for the remainder of the trip.
